Sjukvårdspartiet logotype

Sjukvårdspartiet (The Healthcare Party) was formed in 1994 under the motto: ”An unusual party for ordinary people”.

We cherish an independent position without ties to the political blocs in national politics or ties to the old ideologies. During our almost 20 years in politics, we have been able to count many successes through our commitment and the expertise we have been able to present in analyzes and reviews, which have not been produced elsewhere.

During six elections, the Healthcare Party has fought for accessible and decentralized healthcare for the entire county. In the 2018 election, we got about 9% and seven seats in the regional council.

Our vision is: Region Västernorrland – A region that the citizens are proud of.

In Sweden there are 21 regions. Regions are primarily responsible for healthcare and dental care as well as public transport in collaboration with the municipalities. The regions’ operations are financed for the most part via the county council tax. The region also has income from patient fees and the sale of services. The state contributes with both general and targeted state grants.

As of 1 January 2019, all county councils have changed their names to regions. All regions have been given increased responsibility for regional development.

After the 2018 election, the Social Democrats, Moderates and Liberals rule together in a political majority in Region Västernorrland.

Sjukvårdspartiet (the Health Care Party), the Centerpartiet, Kristdemokraterna (the Christian Democrats), Vänsterpartiet (the Left Party) and Sverigedemokraterna (the Sweden Democrats) are in opposition.

Sjukvårdspartiet Västernorrland

Pia Lundin – our regional council

Pia Lundin is our regional councilor in opposition (opposition councilor) and 2nd vice-chairman of the health and medical care board.

With her 40 years of experience in healthcare as a specialist nurse and unit manager, she chose to step into the political hot air in 2018. Her driving force is to work for better healthcare in the county.

– If it continues like this, there won’t be good healthcare in the future, we are in deep crisis, says Pia.

But why did she accept the offer to become an opposition councilor in a county where the shortcomings of the health care issue are in constant discussion both in the media and among voters? Why leave a job as unit manager at ICU at Sollefteå hospital to enter politics full-time?

– Simple answer: I want to change. I tried for many years to get the politicians to realize that if we continue like this, we will not have a functioning healthcare system in the county in a few years.

– When I noticed that they didn’t listen to us who actually have experience in healthcare, then I felt that I had to do something myself, concludes Pia.

Sjukvårdspartiet (The Health Care Party) pursues a strong opposition policy against the majority parties Socialdemokraterna (Social Democrats), Moderaterna (Moderates) and Liberalerna (the Liberals) and the wave of centralization that prevails in Västernorrland.

But we need to become many more. Sjukvårdspartiet is looking for you who have had enough of the healthcare chaos. You want to actively contribute, so that we can vigorously pursue a policy to recreate good care and build a modern care for the future that is adapted for everyone in our county.

Join us and influence the development in our region, don’t sit in the stands and watch!

Mattias Rösberg
Chairman of Sjukvårdspartiet Västernorrland

Pia Lundin - bild för press

Pia Lundin
Regional Council in Opposition (Opposition Council)
2nd vice-chairman of the Health and Medical Services Board

Tel: 070 259 41 52


Mattias Rösberg
Party chairman of Sjukvårdspartiet Västernorrland
Deputy group leader for Sjukvårdspartiet in Region Västernorrland

Tel: 073 077 18 32

Porträtt Robert Thunfors

Robert Thunfors
Group leader for Sjukvårdspartiet in Region Västernorrland

Tel: 073 501 83 26

Per Gybo
Political Secretary for Sjukvårdspartiets regiongrupp

Tel: 073 620 12 84